Monday, March 7, 2011

Preparation Time

Today I turned in my taxes, I spoke with the spiritual healer, and I go to acupuncture.
I feel confident today. Now that all my belief systems are covered medically I feel good - I have both the east and the west working for me and that feels more comfortable.

So another thing I'm going to take from this which is funny because before I knew i had puff d' I was talking to Lan about how it's not that altruistic to give money and volunteer for a cause that affects you, your family/friends, because basically you just care because it happened to you. I still think that's true SO when I slay this dragon I am SOOOO going to be pushing for early detection of this thing - if I were in Stage 2, they could have removed it surgically and CURED me. Why are we paying for money for body x-ray machines in airports but we don't make people get pet scans/cat scans as part of their physical? You could say that its the cost but, how much is it going to cost for me to get chemo vs. a cat scan every year?

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