Monday, May 16, 2011

Normal Days

This weekend was great. Saturday was rainy so I went to visit Wayne and Aletha, who of course cooked for us. Crabs yummmm! Then on Saturday the weather was beautiful so I got to bike, play volleyball, go on a date, do yoga AND join my neighborhood's happy hour. Shwoo, what a wonderful day! The yoga this time (I think I breathed deeper) caused the cough, so that will be the test for tomorrow's round of chemo, if it happens.

I also have to call short term disability, as they have overpaid me! It's very crazy - on one hand I'm a little apprehensive about spending money because the insurance bills or crazy on the other I don't want to take advantage of the system or anyone. The bills are still coming in for things that occurred in February (for the same surgery), I've paid over $1000 with insurance, which is weird to me, because if I'm paying this much what's the point of insurance. Let's just think I've paid into insurance for about 13 years, if I had just saved the money that went to insurance (contributions from my company included) I think I would have collected enough to NOT pay anything thus far. Seems reasonable no? And while I can afford it, I just don't know what they are going to charge me for next, and when they are going to stop charging me for the same treatment. It assists in making things less normal as it's harder to plan. I know, you can't plan for something that doesn't exist, but you know what I mean.

But I decided to make the absolute most of my normal days, and live it up when I'm feeling good. I avoid thinking about chemo as much as possible and anything having to do with this disease, just pretend nothing has changed as much as I can... except that now I'm happier about smaller things.



One thing that is not normal for me but VERY good, is my cycle has now shortened in days (from 7 to 4) and decreased in intensity, now it has BECOME normal, now I have a normal woman's cycle. Which is totally awesome and the ONLY good thing about chemo.

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