Saturday, August 20, 2011

Collapsed Lung

Thursday night my mom stayed at my place in order to drive me to the thoracentesis at 10am in Hopkins on Friday. I was totally looking forward to getting drained of any liquid because my breathing has gotten so bad.

My mom is so worried -- so every cough, every groan, every itch she jumps to make sure nothing is wrong or that she can't help... I feel so bad for that. Isn't it MY turn, my parents are the ones that are old shouldn't I be taking care of THEM? At the same time it is too much at times I cough a lot, I'm in pain and groan a lot and sometimes it is so much effort to talk, even just to say "I'm OK". Also I don't really like being touched and if my mom had her way I'd be sleeping on her lap or curled up in bed beside her. :D It's sweet, but too much for me.

A little before midnight on Thursday, while trying to go to sleep, I had a coughing fit and my mom rushed to my room

I'm OK
Are you sure?
Yep just coughing
This one sounds harder, you sure you don't want to go to the ER?

The ER, ug,is Always the LAST place I want to go. 5 minutes later however I coughed into a tissue and noticed that the usually clear mucus was now reddish. Dammit!

So my mom drove me to the ER at Washington Hospital Center which is the closest but maybe not the most effecient ER.

When I checked in and told them why I was there "coughing up blood" the ladies at check in kinda freaked, gave me a mask and slid my ID back to me without touching me. Maybe this isn't the job for them?

While waiting I started the Pathway to the Pure Land powa - maybe this is it, I kept thinking.

When I got to my own room and I told the nurse that I had lung cancer she asked if I smoked (I could hear it in her voice, 'ummm dumb ass'), when I said never she was shocked and asked me [like doctors have been, do they know how you got it??] Dude, I'm not the freakin' doctor YOU tell ME! The nurse also had trouble drawing blood - like CRAZY trouble because she had to stick me twice and the 2nd time she kept moving the needle around digging into me! I have good veins so I don't understand the issue but DAMN my arm is still a little sore from that. This is while the student doctor was talking to me saying I looked like I could run a marathon. If only.
Finally she sent someone else in to collect blood and start an IV.

They ran tests on me - X ray, cat scan, took blood and sometime in the middle of our stay (we were there from midnight to 6 am) they gave me dilaudid (hydromorphone)a pain medication via IV that actually got rid of the pain in 2 minutes! my oxygen levels were also low, at 91, so they gave me oxygen. Without the pain and better able to breathe I fell asleep, real sleep for the first time in weeks. My mom said I only slept for 3 hours and not uninterrupted but on our drive to Hopkins that morning I felt refreshed!

When we did get to Hopkins, I gave the pulmonologist the CD of the CAT scan and they tried to find liquid to drain however they could not find anything to drain, apparently I have a lung collapsed. That sounds bad I told the doctor but he says its not as bad as it sounds.

He says it looks like puffler's has moved to my trachea (windpipe) so he wants to schedule a bronchoscopy for Monday to remove any blockage and put a stint there so no more tumors grow there and then also see where the blood was coming from. I also speak to a radiologist on Monday to discuss radiating some of my lung (if, from the bronoscopy, they can see something to radiate).

After the NO thoracentesis my mom and I drove to my uncle's to nap and then back to Hopkins to get my first radiation on my left breast. I also asked for a prescription of hydromorphone which last night had me sleeping like a baby, let's hope it does the same thing tonight.

Meanwhile I am hurt up. Going up the stairs is such an effort that I have to make sure I consolidate bathroom and errand trips together. I need to cook snacks for myself because I'm not eating enough but it takes so much energy to do anything and it seems like walking - any movement- brings me to coughing and feels like my lungs won't be able to take enough breathes.

Yesterday I thought 'Gosh, I am just really dying. fast.' I'm OK with dying because Geshe-la says he'll be there - just like during festivals and he says 'If you cannot do it, don't worry. I'll do it for you'. But it hurts to think that my friends and extended family won't know how much they mean to me. I have a will and am leaving stuff for my immediate family but I have nothing to leave for my friends, I feel bad about that. Cindi said she wanted pictures of us, so I can do that. Yunki is getting my carved wooden Buddha picture but how do you tell everyone you love how important they were to you when you were alive?


  1. Dear Andrea,

    I have been following your blog for a while, and would like to make dedications for you at our Buddhist Centre (Madhyamaka KMC) and I'm sure other Centres would like to do the same.

    Are you happy for us to do that?

    Much Love

  2. Andrea,

    Are you Andrea from San Francisco when I was teaching there? I've just found your blog and I didn't know you had been diagnosed with Pufflers til now. I have been reading everything on your blog and am so impressed at how well you are practicing Dharma.

    This latest article really touched me -- a mother's love, a daughter's courage.

    I am going to start making lots of prayers for you and am sending you lots and lots of love. Please get in touch with me.


  3. Hello again, I've now read practically every post on here and it is obviously you. You are amazing.

    I remember that time in Singapore when everyone got up sleepily at the crack of dawn to get the organized bus to the island, only to arrive several hours later to find you already there, having breezily caught a local bus about half an hour earlier :-)

    You are always up for an adventure, including this one, and the Buddhas love you a lot.

    You are now constantly on my mind.

    Much love, huge hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. I just heard of Andrea' death. Please know that some many people are praying for her. She has inspired so many of us.

  5. So sad to hear you have left us, but very sure the Guru where with you every step of the way, and took you to the Pure Land.

    With Love and Prayers

  6. Dear Family & Friends,
    Andrea's memorial celebration will be at 4pm on Saturday, Sept 3, 2011 at the Fellowship Hall of St. Stephens United Methodist Church at 9203 Braddock Road, Burke, VA. 22015. Dress attire is Andrea chic or as you like.
    The family has planned a collage tribute of photographs, artifacts and memorabilia that express Andrea's gallant life. You are invited to add your unique expression to the tribute as you see fit.
    In addition, the Walker family wishes to capture Andrea's spiritual essence through words, maxims' clever or humorous sayings or short stories as you saw her. These will be added to a Tree of Life and placed on a wall for sharing at the celebration service.
    Please come prepared to share your short circle story of Andrea's life.
    In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that you consider a donation to the American Lung Cancer Society. Or as an alternative, on Sept. 18, Andrea's empolyer Salesforce, Inc is hosting a run in support of lung cancer research. You may consider joining that effort. You can find more information at
    Should you want to send condolences to the family, please send them to The Grimmett Walker Family 1937 Summit Pl, NE Washington, DC 20002

  7. There is a Buddhist powa (transference of consciousness) ceremony for Andrea September 24th at 3:00PM at Vajrayogini Buddhist Center in Washington.

    Please remember her in your prayers.
