Sunday, March 27, 2011

Post port ramble

This morning I woke up happy - maybe because I slept for SOOO long (went to bed a 7 and had a nap yesterday hee hee) but also it doesn't hurt to stand - the port no longer feels like it's coming out! It does still feel a little weird when I swallow (b/c of it being in my vein I guess but overall...) And I was thinking, I'm not coughing anymore, I don't have loads of phlegm (yuck!), the pain is still gone from my chest/back. I tested it Thursday, I can go up and down the stairs 4 times and not start coughing. Maybe the chemo is working after all. AND today I feel like I'm going to make people happy dammit! :D

So this morning I did the Taking and Giving meditation, its really easy to give and take when you're happy. I just imagine that I'm a wish fulfilling jewel and I would stand in the way of bombs and when they came out of me on the other side they'd be water and flowers and food and anything people needed. And people would still kill for sustenance but it would only be what they needed and since they only killed what they need to survive there would be enough for everyone and the dolphins wouldn't be killed in Japan because there would be no competition and the fishermen would be so happy that they'd swim with the dolphins and catch fish with the dolphins. And when you drive behind someone REALLY slow you wouldn't be frustrated because you'd know that your boss would understand if you are late, or your dinner could easily be warmed when you got home or your friends wouldn't be annoyed if you weren't there on time. AND there'd be a street you could drive on just for if you wanted to drive fast with eco-friendly cars on them. And there wouldn't be drug dealers b/c you're happy! why do drugs? and everyone would get pet scans every year because people would care about healing people and not about money so they would find out about puffler's AND other diseases really early and cure them b/c early detection IS the cure. And every breath near an AIDS patient with the wish to heal them, would! you would see it right before your eyes, their skin would get better, they'd become stronger and since we'd not be ruled by money, and ego and pride the cure to AIDS would be found like Ah! to iu aida. AND every one would be jumping up and down and doing cartwheels they would be so happy. Oh yeah! cartwheels and jumping, that's what happy people do.

This afternoon on TV there was a Beyonce special so I spent the afternoon dancing and resting. And ended with Ethiopian food. Yummm, can't have a better ending.

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