Go figure. my sister took Florie and I to my uncles where my parents drove us to Lutherville, MD where the Greensprings campus of Hopkins is. We arrived a little before 9 and I had an IV in me by about 9:30 until 4:30 pm. Whoa!
First they put in saline to protect my kidneys
then a few other drugs to protect me from the 2 chemos
then the chemos
and more saline.
Towards the end I was getting heart palpitations that started to make me cough,so they took me off the saline and gave me a chest x-ray. i had too much fluid so next time they'll reduce the amount. I had a slight headache for about 30 minutes and my arm felt weird sometimes but other than that it was easy sailing.
Florie and I watched Burlesque, very good btw, and talked and joked so it was fun just hanging out with my friend.
My dad was driving around most, instead of in the cubicle we were in which was cool. And my mom went on a walk and to call and update people.
I think I may not get the port because they actually don't put the needle in the vein that they use to take blood from and my veins are big and stationary unlike my mom's.
There are still a lot of side effects from this thing, including hair loss, which I thought I wouldn't have to worry about.. but it's not losing everything like your eyebrows and eyelashes so that's cool.
I felt almost no pain today and took no pain medication all day, the most pain was about level 1 in my back so hopefully this means the acupuncture is working.
I did the medicine Buddha mantra for a while, while getting chemo and the spiritual healer will do energy work on me tomorrow morning and I'll talk to her about it tomorrow evening.
I like my nurse, Francine, who is very thorough and caring.
So, so far so good
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