I feel fine. But my nose is sensitive to food smells and I don't have an appetite.
The pain is still mostly gone, I had a few stabs yesterday, but the constant pain is gone, (100 points for eastern medicine!)
The dex didn't effect me much last night, so last night for the first time in months, I wasn't woken by the pain in my chest or back. Suweeet!
Last night I spoke to the spiritual healer about the healing she did yesterday morning. It is pretty expensive 100 for the hour healing and 100 for the talk after word for her to tell you what's she did and found.
She said she did restructuring of my energy field that was messed up from the chemo and sent energy through me.
2nd chakra is relationships to others/ self - she said she felt I'd had a major disappointed and asked if I just broke up with someone. I told her I'd never been in anything major before, so maybe that's the disappointment.she said to think about that how its affected my life or how i feel about my self
3rd chakra is your mental state she said that she notice I was very confident and believe that I can do anything but that I am too busy and hyper and should slow down. She says sometimes that an illness has a lesson in it so this may be one of the lessons b/c now I'm forced to slow down.
4th chakra which is the one at the heart she said she cleared a lot of grief from me who knew?
5th chakra = profession/ spiritual life she said I was very sure of myself there.
6 - "third eye" here she went into my blood to work with the white/red blood cells
She said she sent me blessings and she noticed an animal that I was close to, don't know what that means - maybe Pepper is out there watching over me? :)
She said I should do a core star meditation where I imagine light in the middle of my abdomen and expand it out throughout my body. This meditation is a lot like Giving meditation but instead of giving light to others I'm giving it to myself.
Oh she learned all this under Barbara Brennan who has a book called Hands of Light. I probably won't read it
So I have scheduled her to do more work on me on Tuesday but I don't know that I'll continue it because it's costly and because I think doing mantras and meditating with Buddhism may be just as affective - I think it's nice to get a helping hand though.
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