This evening were the dodgeball playoffs - we made it to the semi- finals, so we were on the top 4 teams. I was getting really tired at the end so in some ways it's good that we didn't make it to the next game. We played well - I'm getting better at catching so now my team's excited to have me back (yahh I can do more than dodge!) ... I haven't told them about the puffler's I'm going to sign up for next season but I don't know how dependable I'll be b/c of the puffler's and I don't know how to bring it up. In some ways I want to bring it up so they will be like 'wow, if you could have puff d', I could have puff d' and then they can be aware and maybe test it' on the other hand, I don't want them to baby me.
I went to the acupuncturist and the pain stopped while the needles were in except for one piercing pain once in my back. I took the medicine about an hour after and it seems like the combination works for the pain better than just one or the other. A bath still trumps both though as it takes away even the memory of pain and takes about 15 minutes to come back - dodgeball also is good for the pain as my mind is so focused on playing the game that it forgets about the pain.
Lost a pound - I'm at 148. I called Hopkins to see when I would start treatment and they said they'll call me - it has to be approved by my insurance first... seriously? what a bottle neck
So you know how my friend, Eva, has a documentary going filming kindness examples?
Anyway, people have been so kind to me and since I can't thank them enough, I'm going to post the kindness I receive here. Buddha says that every one has shown you compassion even when you don't realize it - like the fruit that you eat, you eat out of someone's kindness, while they may do it for money, they don't HAVE to do it.
1. John at the Jimmy V Foundation, talked to me on Friday and totally perked up me spirits - he also got me an appointment at Hopkins uber fast, THEN he just sent me a package in the mail with a bracelet with "don't give up... don't ever give up " on it and an inspirational CD from a puffler's survivor.
2. My niece sent me a nice letter from which my favorite line is "Sorry your trip to Africa had to be canceled. That stinks"
3. My sangha that sent a picture of the card they signed for me with blessings, and good wishes
4. My brother coming down to accompany me to Philly to see doctors and being OK with not going too
5. My cousins, who have called (a lot, Cynthia :D) and sent facebook messages and cards
6. My mostly non mushy friends, who have been so so sweet and mushy! :D Now, I don't care so much about the mushy. I guess when you have a reason to cry everyday, mushy is no longer a big deal.
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