Yesterday I had a costume party. It was awesome, my friends, locally and from out of town came over dressed up and we had a absolutely wonderful time.
My friend's Sarah and Ayori came in from California and I realized that I'm already starting to live the life I'm scared chemo will bring me - during the day I was tired and felt not 100% myself. I already can't sleep through the night. I already can't walk without resting. I already can't run with the dog or kids. I already wouldn't be able to throw my nieces and nephew around. I already feel like something is wrong - unmotivated and lethargic.
I thought that I needed a nap but it turned out that after I took my pain medication, I felt like myself again...besides the cough. That's no way to live, I want to enjoy my friends and my life and not feel sick, not have coughing fits that make me unable to talk, or breather or LAUGH - so let's do this thing. I still want to get another opinion - but I'm going to do this thing. Let's take some treatment - probably chemo - and go through some crap so that I can get back to my new reality and my new life because it IS worth suffering through chemo to keep.
My party was soooooo much fun by the way - I have the BEST friends EVER! As Cindi said, ' wow, you've done a good job mingling your friends' as friend after friend entered and were like 'How ARE you, I haven't seen you in so long!". oh yeah, "through friends" rears it's beautiful head!
My sister was so sweet and bought this canvas for people to write "sunshine thoughts" on, to keep me happy and motivated - it got taken over by my friend's children (what kid can resist crayons and a canvas to display their artistic brilliance? lol) but it was such a nice thought.
So if anyone reads this I'm going to go through people's names and costumes so if you forget their name you can look them up here:
Umpa lumpa - Florie
Elvis - Don (Florie's husband)
Golfer - Jennifer M
Pizza Delivery guy (but other costume sounds funnier) - Hyo (Jennifer's husband)
St. Patrick's Day cheerleader - Yunki
Mardi Gras fanatic with lace black dress and long locks - Ayori(from Cali)
green wigged Mardi Gras fanatic - Ebony
Small tiger - Keira (daughter to Bonnie and Matt)
Vikings (female) - Bonnie
Vikings ( male) - Matt (Bonnie's husband)
Biker - Holly
Monk - Desmond (or Desmonk as he joked)
Flapper - ME!!!!!!!
Muslim mother of 4, "old fashioned girls" - Kori
Princess... - Cindi (who came up from NC)
and the pea - Mike (Cindi's boyfriend)
Motorcycle chick - Pontea (dressed in leather)
Flash Gordan/ looked oddly like something else - Bob
Boy scout/ Eagle scout (he's had that uniform since he was 17! work it - Tim (Bob's bf)
Old Hollywood star - Sarah (who came over from California)
Mardi Gras fanatic that couldn't smile in mask :) - my sister, Jennifer
himself - Kemi (my cousin, also goes by Djenan)
himself - William ( my neighbor)
FEMA - Adam (my neighbor)
Party Girl (who should have been Snuffleupagus :D)- Dee (my neighbor, Adam's wife)
Knocked up cow girl(yes, she's really pregnant :D) - Lan (friend from junior high)
Asian tourist - Chris (who I still call Bundy, Lan's husband)
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